My English Story

Content ini ngingetin gw dengan bagaimana gw bisa termotivasi untuk belajar bahas inggris.

A:    wah keren, lo bisa bahasa inggris, kursus di mana?
Me:  gak kursus kok, belajar sendiri dan juga karena banyak baca buku.
A:     ohh, pantes lo sering baca buku. Klo gue pasti udah mati bosan.


I dont read an english book because I wanna learn English. I learned English because I wanted to read english books. I was getting tired to wait to bahasa version coming out. I was tired of being given an empty hope by the publisher. Gw pernah nunggu 3 TAHUN for a book that HAS NOT been translated until NOW. Yg akhirnya gw mutusin klo gw HARUS bisa berahasa inggris.

Gw mulai dgn kamus tebal buat ngerti arti dari SETIAP KATA. Bayangin berapa lama gw baca buku itu, yg tebalnya 420 pages. Lupa judulnya apa, yg jelas gw selesai baca setelah 9 bln. Itupun karena gw sempat berhenti 3 months or so cuz I thought it was a waste of time n I was getting bored.  Pengen  nyerah? YES. Tpi rasa penasaran gw menang. Gw baca word by word, then sentence by sentence, then paragraph by paragraph, page by page to end of pages. SAMPAI HABIS. I was like "agrhh Finally!"

Bayangin betapa bosannya gw. Jujur kebanyakan gw bahkan gak tau apa yg gw baca. Gw gerti tapi klo disuruh ceritain ulang gw gak bisa cuz I didn't get the point of the story. Gw fokus ngerti apa arti setiap katanya.

Tpi gw gak berhenti buat baca buku selanjutnya. Ternyata buku pertama membuahkan hasil. Vocab gw makin banyak, which means I rarely use the dictionary. the problem is more to the sentence structure.

In the first book I brought a big dictionary everyday everywhere (9 months). In the second book I use an electronic dictionary (smartphone) but I didn't use it as lot as a first book (4 months). In the third book I barely touched any kind of dictionary (a month). And now (I don't know how many books I've read, but not that many) I only touch the dictionary if I'm really curious about the meaning of the new word I found (a week if I have time). You know, sometimes the meaning of a new word that I find appears itself from reading the entire sentence or paragraph. Tpi gk tau indonesianya apa 😧

And the minute I got here, I relized that "now i can read everything" and that "English is a key to get me connected to the world."

I'm still learning and my English ISN'T PERFECT yet. I made a lot of mistake but I learned. And I'm very grateful to have been at this point. The point where I get a greater chance of reading a lot of things. Alhamdulillah.

You dont have to be rich just for pay courses (ada banyak buku gratis di internet, lo bisa baca artikel berita, and ada YouTube, etc). You dont have to be smart to learn English (seriously, your brain has nothing to do with your language skills). All you need is to want it (I mean really really want it) and JUST DO IT.

Gw tau klo menjadi ESL (English as a Second Language) di Indonesian bakal susah krena lingkungan yg bukannya mendukung malah menjatuhkan semangat belajar. Kalian harus siap dengan kata "Sok Inggris" yg akan ditempel ke jidat kalian. (╥_╥) Gw gak mau sok inggris (klo kesannya gitu I don't mean it), gw senang berbahasa inggris krena gw ngerasa lebih mudah berekspresi dibanding menggunakan bhs lahir gw (bhs daerah campur indo, and i don't know why) dan cara tercepat untuk lebih fasih adalah dengan munggunakan dan mendengarkannya sesering mungkin.

Alangkah menyenangkannya klo ada org yg bisa diajak bicara di sekolah atau paling tidak chatting sama dia menggunakan English. (or you can randomly chat with foreigners in sosmed like i do  ╮(╯▽╰)╭, and if you make a mistake that make you embarrassed just block 'emヽ(´∀`)ノ🤐)
NB: Gw ingat pas kecanduan kamus gw berhenti, gw baca ulang kok buku bahasa inggris pertama gw. Tpi masih gak ingat judulnya apa lol 🙄. Dan gw gak pakai English buat baca novel doang. Gw pakai buat cari referensi klo lgi belajar dan itu BERGUNA BANGET. And Gw gak pernah lagi bawa kacamata klo nonton film luar di bioskop 🤓 Alhamdulillah

Moga bermanfaat ( ˘ ³˘) n tq 4 reading it

